Our privacy policies

Welcome to the ExxonMobil data privacy landing page.

Whether you are a visitor to our site, a supplier, a customer or whether you interact with ExxonMobil in another way, we appreciate you taking the time to learn about our privacy practices and how we use and protect your personal data.

We take your privacy rights seriously and we are dedicated to the protection of your personal data.

Our privacy practices are described in various policy documents, in particular:

  • Privacy statements: these documents describe what personal data we collect from you and for what purposes we use the data
  • Cookie statements: these documents describe which and for what purpose cookies are placed on your device when you visit our websites

Please select below the relevant country and language to review the applicable privacy policy; or view the global English privacy policy here.

Aerial view of the houston campus buildings and skyway.

    European countries privacy policies

    Africa and Middle East countries privacy policies