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Global operations
We operate facilities or market products all over the world and explore for oil and natural gas on six continents.
Emerging initiatives
As one of the world's largest publicly held international oil and gas companies, ExxonMobil has a diverse portfolio of high-quality projects and opportunities across our Upstream, Downstream and Chemical businesses.
Working in locations around the world, ExxonMobil powers the economy of our neighboring countries with significant investments in economic growth. We demonstrate our commitment to supporting the communities within which we operate through education and economic empowerment, health, infrastructure provision and human-capacity development. Explore recent discoveries and developments at ExxonMobil.
U.S. Operations
ExxonMobil has had a presence in the United States since 1870 when John D. Rockefeller and his associates formed the Standard Oil Company (Ohio), with combined facilities constituting the largest refining capacity of any single firm in the world. Today, Exxon Mobil Corporation is one of the largest publicly traded international oil and gas companies and holds an industry-leading inventory of resources. We are also the largest refiner and marketer of petroleum products, and our chemical company is one of the largest in the world.
ExxonMobil initiated oil and gas exploration activities in Guyana in 2008, collecting and evaluating substantial 3-D seismic data that led to the company safely drilling its first exploration well in 2015, Liza-1. The Government of Guyana issued the production license for the first development Liza Phase 1 in June 2017 and oil production started ahead of schedule in December 2019.
Based on consultation with stakeholders and an initial community-needs assessment, our early entry support in Guyana primarily focused on promoting education, especially in the areas of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). We will continue to evolve and tailor our support for the community to reflect the needs and long-term goals of the Guyanese people, as learned through our ongoing community engagement.
Today, at the Cepu block in East Java, we are working closely with our valued partners to develop the Banyu Urip oil field, where a discovery of an estimated 450 million barrels of oil was announced in 2001. Having safely exceeded the Plan of Development rate of 165,000 barrels of oil per day, Banyu Urip has reached a production rate of over 200,000 barrels of oil per day, delivering 25 percent of the national oil production.
ExxonMobil Indonesia is proud to be one of the government’s trusted partners in developing Indonesia’s oil and gas resources and contributing to the country’s economic prosperity for over 118 years. We are committed to supporting the needs and aspirations of the local people of Indonesia by contributing to programs that improve the quality of life of our neighboring communities, putting emphasis on three focus areas — education, health, and economic development.

Papua New Guinea
ExxonMobil has an extensive global position in liquefied natural gas. One such project, PNG LNG in Papua New Guinea recently reached production equivalent of 8.3 million tonnes per year, a 20-percent increase over the facility’s original capacity. Considered among best-in-class for reliability, to date the project has safely produced more than 19 million tonnes of LNG and loaded 262 cargoes for delivery to customers in Asia.
At a cost of U.S.$19 billion, the project is the largest-ever investment in Papua New Guinea and is responsible for significant and widespread economic development of the country in recent years. Our community programs in PNG focus on education, health, agriculture and women’s empowerment.
ExxonMobil has partnered with Qatar Petroleum to develop the North Field, the world’s largest non-associated natural gas field. Through the Qatargas-operated joint ventures, we have participated in 12 of the 14 LNG trains, 27 of the world’s largest LNG ships and Qatar’s largest condensate refinery. Further down the LNG value chain, ExxonMobil has partnered with Qatar Petroleum in three LNG receiving terminals in Europe and the United States.
Additionally, ExxonMobil is the only foreign participant in two domestic gas projects — Al Khaleej Gas and Barzan Gas. ExxonMobil also provides technical and management expertise to directly support Qatar Petroleum through technical services and secondments of ExxonMobil employees. ExxonMobil affiliates are working with Qatar Petroleum to identify international joint venture opportunities that further enhance the portfolio of both parties in countries such as Brazil, Argentina, the United States and Cyprus.
ExxonMobil is proud to contribute to the Qatar National Vision 2030 — the country’s roadmap to continued advancement for the coming years — by driving human development, contributing to its thriving society, and supporting responsible and sustainable development.
ExxonMobil supports a range of sustainable education and training initiatives for students and professionals to ensure that there is a stream of skilled individuals who can tackle the challenges of tomorrow — all in pursuit of developing Qatar’s knowledge-based economy.