
Natural gas

The abundance and versatility of natural gas make it a valuable energy source to meet a variety of needs while also helping the world shift to less carbon-intensive sources of energy.


Natural gas’ abundance, flexibility and comparative environmental benefits drive projected growth more than any other energy source

All of the world’s energy sources will be needed to meet rising demand to 2040, but there will be a marked shift toward cleaner fuels, particularly natural gas. Not only are natural gas resources geographically and geologically diverse, abundant, reliable and versatile in use (power generation; residential, commercial, industrial heating and cooking; and even transportation), but also natural gas emits significantly fewer pollutants than coal power generation, including NOx, SOx, particulates, mercury, and up to 60 percent fewer GHGs.

Oil and natural gas technologies, such as horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, have unlocked vast unconventional resources. These supplies have dramatically altered the energy landscape over the past decade, particularly in North America. Natural gas usage is projected to continue to expand rapidly. We expect about 40 percent of the projected growth in global energy demand from 2016 to 2040 will be met by natural gas.

climate solutions

Effectively managing methane emissions

Natural gas is a versatile fuel, capable of powering utilities, homes and transportation. It also emits significantly fewer pollutants than coal power generation, including NOx, SOx, particulates, mercury, and up to 60 percent fewer GHGs. As confirmed by the International Energy Agency, methane emissions do not negate the substantial climate change benefits of natural gas versus coal, but mitigating emissions can further enhance those benefits. This is a key component of ExxonMobil’s approach to developing future energy technology. The company continues to implement cost-effective methods to reduce methane and other hydrocarbon emissions in our operations.
Learn more about methane emissions reduction and enabling technologies
RasGas liquified natural gas (LNG) production

Global exploration, production and sales

Through our global affiliates, our expertise in exploring, developing, marketing, and producing hydrocarbon resources is used to supply natural gas that plays a vital role in the dual challenge of meeting the world’s need for energy while managing the effects on the environment, including the risks of climate change. These affiliates include XTO Energy which is a leading oil and natural gas producer in the United States with expertise in developing tight gas, shale gas and unconventional oil resources. XTO or its affiliates operate in all major U.S. unconventional producing regions.
Learn more about XTO Energy

ExxonMobil Global Outlook

Energy use and economic development are inseparable. Where there is energy poverty, there is poverty. And where energy availability rises, living standards rise as well.

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