Upload assets

If you've taken a great photo or video, we would love to see it. See how you can upload it and add some metadata so we can potentially use your work to help promote the company.

In this article

Uploading assets

All users in DAC have the ability to upload assets to the DAC. If you’ve taken a great photo or video, we’d love to see it and potentially use it to help promote the company.

It is the responsibility of the uploader to:

  • Ensure the asset(s) are appropriate for business use and that the owner of the assets can provide the required permission for it to be used.
  • Provide accurate metadata such as its location, names of any people, the owner’s name and permission and country of origin.

How to upload

The DAC offers two methods of uploading files:

The Upload button (arrow icon)

  • Select the Upload button (upward facing arrow) located in the upper right corner of the DAC home screen
  • Select the file(s) from your device you wish to upload and click open


  • The upload will automatically start in the left corner of the DAC interface
  • Once the upload is complete, go to Upload history in the left column of the page. Click the thumbnail of image(s) you need to tag (provide data) to open its preview screen
  • Click Asset information to open the tab
  • To edit data fields, click the small pencil icon to the right, type in or select relevant metadata and Save (see the Edit metadata guide for further instructions on editing asset data)

Drag and drop to upload

  • Drag the desired file(s) from your device onto any part of the DAC homepage
  • The upload will automatically start in the left corner of the DAC homepage
  • Once the upload is complete, go to Upload history in the left column of the page. Click the thumbnail of image(s) you need to tag (provide data) to open its preview screen
  • Click Asset information to open the tab
  • To edit data fields, click the small pencil icon to the right, type in or select relevant metadata and Save (see the Edit metadata guide for further instructions on editing asset data)

Note: Additional upload instructions can be found here.

Note: As soon as you select open or drop files to be uploaded, the uploading process will begin automatically and there is not a review period. If you upload an asset that you do not desire to live on the DAC, please contact DAC.Support@exxonmobil.com to have the asset removed.

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