State lobbying

Explore ExxonMobil’s state lobbying activities and expenditures.

ExxonMobil’s state lobbying activities and expenses are reported on various state websites, in accordance with the disclosure requirements of each state. To provide increased transparency, these activities and expenses have been consolidated below. This list includes states where ExxonMobil’s in-house and contract lobbyists engaged in lobbying activities during 2023, along with a description of the issues lobbied as reported to the relevant state agency. These descriptions vary depending on state laws, and where no description of lobbying activity is required, we have provided a general overview of our engagement.

Alaska $233,637 Alaska oil and gas policy, legislation, regulatory issues
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) policy, legislation, regulatory issues
Advanced recycling policy, legislation, regulatory issues
SB 114: An Act establishing an income tax on certain entities producing or transporting oil or gas in the state; relating to the oil and gas production tax; and providing for an effective date
California $459,586 General energy policy
Advanced recycling policy, legislation, regulatory issues
Renewal of offshore leases
Plastics Recycling Law
Rule-making process
AB 1705: Solid waste facilities: state policy goals
SB 54: Venture capital companies: reporting
SB 253: Climate Corporate Data Accountability Act
SB 261: Greenhouse gases: climate-related financial risk
Illinois $32 Coal
Louisiana $133,077 Manufacturing oil and gas
Chemical industry
Environmental quality
Conservation and wildlife preservation
Business and private and commercial enterprises
Utilities: electric, gas, water
Montana $22,579 HB 46: An Act moving the point of taxation on gasoline and 6 special fuels taxes to the first receiver
HB 212: An Act increasing the class eight business equipment tax exemption; providing a reimbursement to local governments and tax increment financing districts under the entitlement share program, to school districts through guaranteed tax base aid, and to the Montana University system for the loss of revenue
SB 124: An Act revising apportionment of income for purposes of Montana’s corporate income tax; adopting a single-sales factor apportionment model for purposes of Montana’s corporate income tax
SB 333: An Act creating the offense of criminal trespass by unmanned aerial vehicle; defining “unmanned aerial vehicle”
SB 530: An Act revising property taxation of certain class eight business equipment property; providing for an abatement of manufacturing machinery, fixtures, and equipment
SB 532: An Act revising the regulation and taxation of large emission sources in Montana; establishing the Montana Climate Action Act
LC 1503: Generally revise industrial property valuation laws
LC 1504: Generally revise taxation of new, expanded, or improved industrial property
New Jersey $116,656 Energy policies, legislation, strategy, regulatory issues
New Mexico $98,053

Oil and gas policies, legislation, strategy, regulatory issues

New York $85,924 A4744: An Act to amend the environmental conservation law, in relation to advanced recycling and advanced recycling facilities
A5322: An Act to amend the environmental conservation law, in relation to enacting the packaging reduction and recycling infrastructure act
S3583: An Act to amend the environmental conservation law, in relation to advanced recycling and advanced recycling facilities
S4246: An Act to amend the environmental conservation law, in relation to enacting the packaging reduction and recycling infrastructure act
Extended Producer Responsibility bill
Pennsylvania $111,300 Energy policies, legislation, strategy, regulatory issues
Texas $53,701 Agriculture, business and commerce, city government
Civil remedies and liabilities
Coastal affairs and beaches
Common carries
Consumer protection
Corporation and associations
County government
Disaster preparedness and relief
Economic and industrial development
Fees and other non-tax revenue
Highway and roads
Health and healthcare
Mines and mineral resources
Occupational regulation
Oil and gas
Parks and wildlife
Political subdivisions
Product liability
Property liability
Property interests
Public lands
Special districts and authorities
State agencies, boards, and commissions
State finances
Tort reform
Vehicles and traffic
2023 State Government Direct Lobbying Total: $1,314,545
