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We have built an organizational and governance structure around our focus areas to ensure top-to-bottom and bottom-to-top alignment. Our objectives and strategies ensure a consistent approach across the company, while empowering our business lines to take action and advance our sustainability priorities.

Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance Limited provided reasonable-level assurance for our processes for reporting the safety, health, and environment (SHE) Ipieca core reporting elements used in our 2023 sustainability reporting.

Communicating progress

ExxonMobil publishes several comprehensive reports annually to provide insights into how we create value through our integrated businesses and how we manage associated risks, opportunities, and impacts.

  • Advancing Climate Solutions Report – outlines our work toward a lower-emission future.
  • Global Outlook – our view of global energy demand and supply, which form the basis for our long-term business strategies.
  • Annual Report – provides information on our prior-year operating and financial performance while highlighting our advantaged portfolio and competitive strengths in technology, scale, integration, functional excellence, and people that enable us to create value.
  • Sustainability Report – details our approach to managing sustainability-related topics across our operations and describes our performance in these areas.

Supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nations has adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to achieve progress on global economic, social, and environmental challenges. Although the goals are directed at governments, the private sector and civil society play an important role in supporting national plans, and we support governments’ efforts to meet the SDGs.

Our corporate strategy directly supports progress toward SDG 7, “Affordable and Clean Energy.” As we describe in our Global Outlook, energy use and economic development are inseparable. Affordable and reliable energy is at the core of every key measure of human development – elevating living standards, life expectancy, education, and income per person. Yet for billions of people, modern living conditions are still far out of reach. Where there is energy poverty, there is pervasive, generational, economic poverty. And where energy availability rises, living standards rise as well.

As we continue to help supply this energy, we also support progress toward SDG 13, “Climate Action.” This is the other half of the “and” equation, as we work to provide solutions that aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across our operated assets, help companies reduce their emissions, and develop and deploy scalable technologies to help decarbonize high-emitting industrial sectors. These actions support our 2030 greenhouse gas emission-reduction plans and our ambition to achieve net-zero operated Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2050. Our efforts are supported by our plans to pursue more than $20 billion in lower-emission investments from 2022 through 2027. A significant share is focused on scaling up carbon capture and storage, hydrogen, lithium, and biofuels opportunities that underpin our Low Carbon Solutions business.


The ExxonMobil Product Solutions portfolio also supports progress toward SDG 12, ”Responsible Consumption and Production.” This business provides materials used in the production of solutions for health care and medical, agricultural, food and beverage, and other applications. We are advancing infrastructure and technology for collecting, sorting, and processing discarded plastics, which includes our plans to build approximately 1 billion pounds of annual advanced recycling capacity by year-end 2026, across multiple sites. Advanced recycling enables a substantially broader range of plastic waste to be recycled back into high-value raw materials versus conventional recycling.

U.N. Sustainable Development Goals

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