Mobil Altona Terminal team celebrates completion of multiple major project milestones

The completion of a complex integrated event, achieving multiple major project milestones was celebrated with a special lunch at the Altona site.
Image Altona Conversion Venture Manager, Abrar Chowdhury, addresses the Altona team at a celebratory lunch following the successful completion of various major projects.
Altona Conversion Venture Manager, Abrar Chowdhury, addresses the Altona team at a celebratory lunch following the successful completion of various major projects.

Mobil’s Altona Terminal team recently celebrated completion of multiple important project milestones designed to remove a large amount of slops from the site, reduce the future production of slops, increase storage required to meet Mandatory Stockholding Obligations and to streamline processes at the terminal.

Slops are a by-product produced when different types of fuels are mixed, this occurs as part of routine operations when switching the service of tanks or pipelines from one type of fuel to another, or during tank or pipeline cleaning processes.

A new manifold was installed and commissioned in the North Tank Farm, which will deliver improved product segregation, resulting in the reduced production of slops.

Another important project milestone was the installation of a slop receptor at Gellibrand dock, where ships unload fuel. The new slop receptor will store waste product, freeing up a tank for storage capacity needed to support the Australian Government’s MSO requirements.

Many teams worked tirelessly to complete the upgrades and their hard work was rewarded with a celebratory lunch held at the Altona Terminal workshop. Attendees included Product Solutions team leadership from across various locations, who congratulated the team on their achievements.

“It was a fantastic team effort where the entire site worked together to achieve a complex and closely choreographed sequence of activities safely and ahead of schedule,” said Rhys Kelly, Altona Terminal Manager.