The Shanghai Technology Center in focus

Technology changes the world, but at the heart of all innovation is people.

Without the right environment for people to succeed, can they all reach their full potential and be part of the heart of China’s modernization drive?

Exxonmobil’s Shanghai Technology Centre (STC) has been one group helping to create the right environment for its people to succeed.

This includes looking beyond the immediate work environment to provide amenities like extra electric charging spot in car parks; some its first-ever out-of-factory HiveBox lockers to improve staff convenience and even a new coffee shop.

Following this increase staff support, the centre launched a roadshow to turn the spotlight on its workers – the people behind the STC’s capabilities – to support them to achieve more, and it created a slogan indicative of the technology centre’s aims: “A home of virtue and happiness, a source of innovation and win-win”.


It even included an award for a painting and photography competition.

The STC leader, Mann Sun, explained that at its core, the roadshow aimed to “make the centre a nexus where the latest developments, technological innovation, career development and work-life balance converge to create a truly valuable and cohesive organisation”.

This environment has also created a workplace that can better collaborate with the end users.

“The customer feedback and industry information we gather and loop back to the centre from our frontline workers has watered the seeds of innovation and helped us grow to in turn help people,” an STC spokesperson explained.

“These ExxonMobil staff have contributed to the building and development of the Shanghai Technology Centre, making it a starting point for innovation as well as a home where people’s minds would bind together.”

ExxonMobil’s supporting environment has enabled staff to continue working on developing products and processes that help drive China forward and make it a hub for technological advancement and innovation.

Yet, one roadshow might not be enough, and there are potential plans to hold more events in the future to help motivate the Shanghai Technology Centre’s innovators to continue to support China’s future.

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