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Our history in Alaska spans approximately 90 years since drilling our first well at Yakataga Beach in 1925. Since then, we have explored throughout Alaska including Cook Inlet, the Alaska Peninsula, St. George Basin, Norton Sound, Navarin Basin, Yukon Flats, Beaufort Sea and the North Slope.
About us
ExxonMobil in Alaska
ExxonMobil is one of the top three producers of oil and the largest holder of discovered gas resources on Alaska’s North Slope. ExxonMobil’s most important resource in Alaska is our people. For our operations, over 70 percent of the workforce consists of ExxonMobil employees based here in Alaska, or by local Alaskan contractors.
ExxonMobil’s Point Thomson reservoir
Point Thomson marks a new era both for ExxonMobil in Alaska and the North Slope. The investments will open the eastern North Slope to development and lead to increased production into the Trans Alaska Pipeline System.

more than 70% Alaskan.
Community partnership
As a company with deep roots in Alaska, we view civic involvement as a responsibility and an essential component of building strong and healthy communities.
Public inquiries
For general Inquiries, contact ExxonMobil Alaska at the following:
- Tel: 907-561-5331
- Fax: 907-564-3789
- Email: