Supporting the community in Thailand

We employ a long-term approach, investing in the communities where we operate to build and sustain local economic growth, enhance the living standards and create opportunities for the communities to thrive with us.


Education is the key to national development and economic growth. We are committed to preparing and inspiring students at all levels to pursue S.T.E.M. careers, with initiatives focusing on providing learning opportunities, building capacity, and fostering innovation.

ExxonMobil Rattanakosin Bicentennial Scholarships

Recognizing the vital importance of higher education and the need to develop the next generation of scientists and engineers to help secure energy in today's highly competitive and technology-driven world, we have worked with the Office of the Higher Education Commission (O.H.E.C.) since 1982 when the Rattanakosin Bicentennial Fund was established. The company has continued to support the fund and a scholarship program every year since then. Approximately 2,200 scholarships have been granted to students in the science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and business fields from universities nationwide to date, with a total contribution amount of about 17.8 million baht.


Health is a fundament that enables people to live their lives to their full potential and contribute to the country's advancement. We support programs that build healthcare capacity at the community level, promote research and development, as well as advocate for awareness and support.

Environmental conservation

We commit to operating in an environmentally responsible manner everywhere we do business. We also contribute to and support several programs to educate, protect, and conserve the environment.

Workforce involvement

Volunteering and charitable giving are integral to our culture as we encourage employees to contribute to the communities where they live and work. Over the years, our employees have joined efforts to better the community in many areas ranging from education, health, and environment to natural disaster recovery.

Human rights

Our company actively promotes respect for human rights and is committed to complying with all applicable laws and regulations. We expect our employees, officers, and directors to comply with all applicable laws and regulations and seek to work with suppliers and business partners who share our commitment to human rights. Our workforce's commitment to human rights is supported by our Standards of Business Conduct and our Statement on Labor and the Workplace. Our Statement reinforces support for the principles of the International Labor Organization 1998 Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, notably eliminating child labor, forced labor, and workplace discrimination. Our approach to human rights is consistent with the goals of the United Nations (U.N.) Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.