ExxonMobil Marine Lubricants Standard Terms and Conditions

These Standard Terms and Conditions apply to any delivery of ExxonMobil Marine Lubricants by ExxonMobil Oil Corporation unless modified by a sales contract.  

  1. DEFINITIONS: The following words and expressions have the following meanings in these Standard Terms & Conditions:
    “Affiliate” means (1) Exxon Mobil Corporation or its successors-in-interest, (2) any parent corporation, partnership, or other entity of the Exxon Mobil Corporation or its successors-in-interest which now or hereafter owns or controls, directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, more than fifty percent (50%) of the ownership interest having the right to vote for or appoint directors of Exxon Mobil Corporation or its successors-in-interest (“Parent Company”), and (3) any corporation, partnership, or other entity, regardless of where situated, more than fifty percent (50%) of whose ownership interest having the right to vote for or appoint directors is now or hereafter owned or controlled, directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, by Exxon Mobil Corporation or its successors-in-interest or by its Parent Company.

    “Agents” includes the servants or employees of the Seller, any distributor authorized by the Seller, or any supplier authorized by the Seller.

    “Buyer” means the person or entity purchasing marine lubricants.

    “Delivery” means, in the case of Product in drums or other containers, physical delivery by Seller to Buyer’s vessel, alongside Buyer’s vessel, or to Buyer’s agent or, in the case of pump-over of Product from a barge or shore facility, the moment when the Product exits Seller’s or its supplier’s delivery equipment into Buyer’s vessel’s intake flange.

    “Product” means lubricating oils, greases, and other marine lubricating products sold under a brand owned by Seller or its Affiliates.

    “Seller” means ExxonMobil Oil Corporation with offices at 22777 Springwoods Village Parkway, Spring, Texas 77389.

    Unless the context does not so admit, reference in these Standard Terms & Conditions to the singular includes reference to the plural and vice versa.
  2. DELIVERY AND RISK OF LOSS: Delivery of Product is subject to (There is no Ports and Services Guide for the Domestic business)
    (a) Responsibility for loss of, damage to, or liability arising out of the use or misuse of, or in any way related to, the Product will pass to the Buyer upon Delivery.
    (b) Title in the Product will pass to the Buyer upon Delivery.
  3. PAYMENT: Unless otherwise agreed in writing, payment will be made without discount, withholding, setoff, or deduction in U.S. Dollars to Seller by wire transfer, ACH or check to a bank as directed by Seller, within net 30 days of invoice date or the period agreed by the Parties. Buyer will be responsible for all applicable taxes, duties, fees, or other charges imposed by any government authority, regardless of whether such taxes, duties, fees, or other charges are accurately stated on any invoice provided by the Seller. In the event payment is not made by the time and in the manner prescribed, Seller has the right to suspend any further deliveries and to notify Buyer that payment not yet made for any delivery by Seller is immediately due and payable. Without prejudice to any other rights of Seller and at its option, Seller is entitled to apply the amount of any monies which may then be or thereafter become owing from Seller to Buyer in satisfaction of any obligation owing by Buyer. Overdue payments will bear interest at the rate of one percent (1%) per month, or any part thereof, to the extent permitted by applicable local law, unless Buyer and Seller have agreed in writing to some other rate. Should Buyer fail to comply with the credit terms, and/or should Buyer’s financial condition, in Seller’s sole discretion, be impaired, Seller reserves the right to modify credit and payment terms, require some other financial security in an amount and type satisfactory to the Seller including but not limited to a letter of credit, bank guarantee or parent company guarantee. Sales are made on the credit of the receiving vessels as well as on Buyer's promise to pay, and amounts due shall immediately upon Delivery become a maritime lien against each such vessel in favor of Seller. Seller may request at any time for Buyer to provide complete and reliable financial information, audited if available, and any other related information. Buyer shall use all reasonable endeavors to respond to such request in a timely manner.
  4. CLAIMS: Any claim for deficiency in quantity or quality of the Product is waived unless Buyer, within thirty (30) days after Delivery, gives written notice of such claim to Seller and, where practicable, gives Seller or its agents an opportunity to inspect the Product(s) in question. Any claim by Buyer of any other kind based on or arising out of these Standard Terms & Conditions or otherwise is waived unless Buyer gives written notice to Seller within thirty (30) days after the event, action, or inaction to which such claim relates. Any claim by Buyer of any kind based on or arising out of these Standard Terms & Conditions is barred unless asserted by Buyer with the commencement of an action against Seller within twelve (12) months after Delivery or other event, action, or inaction to which such claim relates.
  5. INDEMNITY: Buyer shall indemnify and hold Seller, its Affiliates, and its Agents harmless against any losses, damages, costs or expenses (including reasonable attorney fees) that Seller, its Affiliates, or its Agents may incur or for which they may become liable arising out of the wrongful or negligent acts or omissions of Buyer, its Affiliates, or its Agents or of the receiving vessel in connection with any sale, purchase, or delivery of Product pursuant to these Standard Terms & Conditions.
  6. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: If an escape, spillage, or discharge of Product (a “Spill”) occurs while Product is being delivered to Buyer, Buyer will promptly take such action as is reasonably necessary to remove the Product and mitigate the effects of such Spill. However, notwithstanding the cause of such Spill, Seller is hereby authorized, at its option and upon notice to Buyer, to take such measures, either in cooperation with Buyer or otherwise, and incur such expenses (whether by employing its own resources or by contracting with others) as are necessary in the sole discretion of Seller to remove the Product and mitigate the effects of such Spill. If Seller has exercised its option to remove the Product and mitigate the effect of such Spill, Buyer agrees to cooperate and render such assistance as is required by Seller in the course of such efforts. Any expenses, damages, costs, fines and penalties arising from the Spill of Product shall be paid by the Party that caused or contributed to the Spill by negligent act(s) or omission(s); if both parties have contributed to the Spill by negligent act(s) or omission(s), any expenses, disbursement(s) or costs related the efforts to remove the effects of such Spill will be divided between the parties in accordance with their respective degree of negligence and culpability. Each Party agrees to indemnify the other Party and to hold it harmless against all expenses, cost(s) and disbursements which under this Clause 6 are the responsibility of the indemnifying Party. Buyer also agrees to give or cause to be given to Seller, its Affiliates, or its Agents all documents and other information concerning any Spill or any program for the prevention thereof that may be requested or required by law, regulation, court order, or subpoena from any government authority.
    (a) Seller warrants that at the time of shipment from Seller's facilities, the Products meet the specifications set forth in Seller's Product Data Sheets. THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS OR SUITABILITY OF THE PRODUCT FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OTHERWISE, WHICH EXTEND BEYOND THE DESCRIPTION OR SPECIFICATIONS OF THE PRODUCT IN THE SELLER’S PRODUCT DATA SHEETS. The Product quality, specifications and health and safety information are contained in the Product Data Sheets and Safety Data Sheets respectively, both available and accessible through the Seller's website namely, www.exxonmobil.com.

    (b) This warranty is given instead of, and excludes, all other express or implied conditions, warranties or other contractual undertakings which might otherwise arise at common law or under any statute concerned with any of the following:
         (i) the condition or quality of the goods;
         (ii) their fitness for any particular purpose; or
         (iii) their compliance with any description.

    (c) If Product is proved not to meet the specifications set forth in Seller’s Product Data Sheets the Seller may, at its option, either replace it at the next mutually convenient port where supplies can reasonably be made available or refund any sums paid by the Buyer for the Product. The Buyer shall accept such replacement or repayment in satisfaction of all claims it may have in respect of the defects.

    (d) Neither Party shall be liable to the other Party in contract, tort, negligence, breach of laws or otherwise for any loss, damage, costs or expenses of any nature whatsoever incurred or suffered by that other Party of an indirect or consequential nature or for any loss of turnover, loss of profits (actual, projected and/or anticipated), loss of savings, loss of goodwill or economic loss. Neither will either Party be subject to punitive damages for any liability arising from the activities covered by these Standard Terms & Conditions. Seller’s maximum liability to Buyer for all claims in contract, tort, negligence, breach of law or otherwise is the invoice price of the Products involved.

    (e) Nothing in these General Terms and Conditions excludes or limits either Party’s liability resulting from its gross negligence or wilful misconduct or any liability that cannot legally be limited.
  8. CONTINGENCIES: Seller, its Affiliates, and its Agents are not liable for loss, damage, or demurrage due to any delay or failure in performance (a) because of compliance with any order or request of any governmental authority or (b) when the supply of Product or any constituent thereof or any facility of production, manufacture, storage, transportation, distribution, or delivery contemplated by Seller, its Affiliates, or its Agents is interrupted, unavailable, or inadequate for any cause whatsoever which is not within the reasonable control of Seller. Seller, its Affiliates, and its Agents are not required to remove any such cause or replace any affected source of supply or facility if doing so involves additional expense or a departure from Seller’s or its suppliers’ normal practice. In the event Seller is unable to supply Product at a port regularly visited by Buyer’s vessel(s), the Parties will seek a mutually acceptable solution for an alternative port of supply.

    If Seller, its Affiliates, or its Agents at any time or for any reason believe that there may be such a shortage of supply that Seller may be unable to meet the demands of all of its customers of all kinds, Seller, its Affiliates, and its Agents may allocate Seller's available and anticipated supplies among the customers in a fair and equitable manner as determined in Seller's sole discretion. Seller, its Affiliates, and its Agents are not required to make up any deliveries not effected in accordance with this clause. Buyer is not liable for failure to receive Product if prevented from receiving or using already-ordered Product in its customary manner by any cause beyond its reasonable control, provided that nothing excuses Buyer from full and timely payment for any and all Product that has been delivered.
  1. BUSINESS STANDARDS: Buyer and Seller shall establish policies and procedures designed to prevent their employees and sub-contractors from making, receiving, providing, or offering any unreasonable gifts, entertainment, or other things of value to the other Party’s employees, their families, or any third parties, including government officials, in connection with the sale, purchase or delivery of Product pursuant to these Standard Terms & Conditions.
  2. ACCURACY OF RECORDS: Both Parties agree that all financial settlements, billings, and reports rendered to the other Party or its representatives shall correctly reflect the facts about all activities and transactions pursuant to these Standard Terms & Conditions. Both Parties agree to notify the other Party promptly upon discovery of any instance where the first-mentioned Party fails to comply with this clause. If a Party discovers or is advised of any errors or exceptions related to its invoicing, both parties will together review the nature of the errors or exceptions, and the defaulting Party will, if appropriate, promptly take corrective actions and adjust the relevant invoice or refund overpayments.
    Each Party undertakes to the other:
    (i) that the execution and performance of its obligations relating to this transaction do not violate or conflict with any law applicable to it or with any order of any governmental or regulatory body or any contractual restriction binding upon it; and
    (ii) that it has complied with and will comply with all laws, regulations, orders, and requirements of all competent authorities relating to the performance its duties relating to the matters covered by these Standard Terms & Conditions.
    Notwithstanding anything in these Standard Terms & Conditions to the contrary, no provision will be interpreted or applied so as to require either Party to do, or refrain from doing, anything which would constitute a violation of, or result in a loss of economic benefit under, United States Anti-Boycott and other export laws and regulations. Buyer agrees that it will not purchase Product from Seller for or in connection with any vessel that is, at the time of the purchase:
         (i) flagged in a U.S.-sanctioned country (currently Cuba, Iran, Syria, Sudan, and North Korea;
         (ii) owned, operated, or managed by, or under time charter to:
              (A) a U.S.-sanctioned country;
              (B) a company organized under the laws of or that is operating from or is a resident of a U.S.-sanctioned country or Crimea; or
              (C) a party on the List of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons (the “SDN List”) published by the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control or which is owned 50% or more, individually or in the aggregate, by one or more SDN-Listed parties; or
              (D) a party on the EU Consolidated List of Persons, Groups and Entities Subject to EU Financial Sanctions (the “EU Consolidated List”) or which is majority-owned or controlled by one or more parties on the EU Consolidated List, or which is otherwise subject to asset-freezing measures under EU Member State laws; or
         (iii) predominantly engaged in carrying cargo to or from any U.S.-sanctioned Country or Crimea.
    Both Parties represent that they will not make any improper payments of money or give anything of value to a government official in connection with the activities covered by these Standard Terms & Conditions, nor will they make improper payments to a third party knowing or suspecting that the third party will give the payment or thing of value, or a portion of it, to a government official.
    (a) Any question concerning the construction, meaning, or effect of these Standard Terms & Conditions or any dispute concerning the rights, duties, or obligations of the Parties under these Standard Terms & Conditions, without prejudice to Seller’s rights to enforce any maritime lien arising hereunder in any jurisdiction, will be governed by the laws of the State of New York to the exclusion of any conflicts of law rules which would apply those of another jurisdiction.
    (b) Any claim or controversy arising out of or relating to these Standard Terms & Conditions will be settled exclusively in the state or federal courts of Manhattan County, New York, New York, and the parties consent to personal jurisdiction there.
    (a) Strict Performance, Waiver: The right of either Party to require strict performance will not be affected by any prior waiver or course of dealing. All rights and remedies are cumulative, and election of one remedy does not exclude another.
    (b) Buyer Acting as Agent: If the order for Products was placed by Buyer acting as agent on behalf of a disclosed or undisclosed principal, Buyer will be liable for performance of all obligations to the Seller, including payment.
    (c) Assignment: Seller may assign to an Affiliate or other supplier the obligations of Seller described in these Standard Terms & Conditions without the consent of the Buyer, in which event any such assignee will enjoy and be entitled to exercise against Buyer any and all rights of the Seller.
    (d) Product Discontinuance: Seller may discontinue the sale at any port of any Product without liability or further obligation.
    (e) Trademarks: Nothing contained in these Standard Terms & Conditions confers upon the Buyer the right to use Seller's trademarks, trade dress, or brand names.
    (f) Severability: Should any provision of these Standard Terms & Conditions be determined by a court to be inconsistent with or contrary to applicable law or otherwise unenforceable, that provision shall be deemed amended or omitted to conform with the relevant law without affecting any other provision or the general validity of these Standard Terms & Conditions.
    (g) Governing Terms: The terms set forth herein will prevail over any terms put forward by the Buyer unless the Seller expressly agrees to those terms in writing. No conduct by the Seller, its Affiliates, or its Agents will be deemed to constitute acceptance of any terms put forward by the Buyer. Headings are included as a reference only and shall not in any way affect the meaning or interpretation of these Standard Terms & Conditions.
    (h) No Variation: Unless otherwise agreed in writing, these Standard Terms & Conditions contain all of the terms of the agreement between the Parties, and no statements made outside these Standards Terms & Conditions in brochures, catalogues, sales literature, correspondence, or orally during negotiations are intended to have contractual effect.
    (i) Right to Enforce: The Affiliates and Agents as defined herein will have the right to enforce and rely upon the terms of this Contract. No other person or entity not a Party to these Standard Terms & Conditions will have rights to enforce any of its provisions.
    (j) The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods shall not apply to these Standard Terms & Conditions or to any other agreement in which they are incorporated unless otherwise expressly provided.