ExxonMobil and ExxonMobil Club support the Foundation for the Blind in Thailand

Bangkok - ExxonMobil Limited and ExxonMobil Club presented 82,000 baht together with employee-donated desk calendars to produce braille-printed materials for the blinds to the Foundation for the Blind in Thailand under the Royal patronage of H.M. the Queen.

On this occasion, ExxonMobil Public & Government Affairs Manager Dr. Taweesak Bunluesin (7th left), ExxonMobil Club President Kriengkrai Pornpundejwittaya (6th right) together with ExxonMobil employees presented the funds to Charassri Srimanee (6th right), head office administration, and Piratphon Thanaphatthamrong (5th right), assistant school director operations department, Foundation for the Blind in Thailand.

In addition, ExxonMobil management and employees gave snacks to the children at the Foundation. 

As an affiliate of Exxon Mobil Corporation, ExxonMobil Limited emphasizes doing business operations that go along with social responsibility while engaging, creating, and supporting development in the operating communities.

For more information, please contact Public and Government Affairs
Email: thailand-public-affairs@exxonmobil.com